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From its humble beginnings as a mere hobby, to the major UFO research channel & community you see today - Secureteam10 has become the information source to which Millions of truth-seeking individuals have come. With over a Billion views and endless international news coverage, Secureteam has been at the forefront of revealing the truth behind the alien and UFO coverup - and those trying to hide it. From never-before-seen UFO sighting news and video footage analysis, interviews with top names in the field, and everything else hidden from the public, Secureteam hunts down & documents the bizarre secret things that our Space agencies and Astronauts don't like to talk about.. or maybe they can't. But we can, and will continue.. So come and See the unexplainable, yet glaringly obvious evidence of Advanced Extraterrestrial strangeness everywhere. -Tyler 🛸 SUBMIT Video: Upload raw clips to Youtube, set unlisted, email link to:…



قناة احداث النهاية تستعرض الاحداثوالكوارث الطبيعية الغير عادية في العالم مثل اعصار ، عاصفة فيضانات انهيارات طينية ثلوج بردية عواصف رعدية بروق رعد تورنادو تسونامي خسف خسوف و كسوف نيزك و شهب و مذنب القمر الشمس النجوم الارض الكواكب سيول رياح قوية عاتية حرائق الغابات طقس احوال جوية الحالة الجوية الطقس حالة الامطار امطار غيوم سوبر سل Hurricane, storm, flood, mudslides, hail, snow, thunderstorms, lightning thunder, tornado, tsunami, eclipse, eclipse, meteorite, meteors, comet, moon, sun, stars, earth, planets, Seoul, strong winds, high forest fires مصر القاهرة الأردن عمّان جزر القمر موروني السعودية الرياض قطر الدوحة العراق بغداد سلطنة عمان مسقط موريتانيا نواكشوط السودان الخرطوم ليبيا طرابلس اليمن صنعاء الكويت الإمارات دبي جيبوتي لبنان بيروت الجزائر تونس سوريا دمشق البحرين المنامة الصومال مقديشو فلسطين المحتلة القدس المملكة المغرب الدار البيضاء




What would your life be like if you learned that you are more powerful than you have ever been taught? Groundbreaking scientific studies find that genes can be turned on and off by environmental signals including thoughts, feelings and emotions from outside the cell. Cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton, a former medical school professor and research scientist, was one of the first scientists to posit such extra-cellular control. Dr. Lipton conducted a series of experiments that reveal that the cell membrane, the outer layer of a cell, is the organic equivalent of a computer chip, and the cell’s equivalent of a brain. Although this view conflicts with the widely held scientific dogma that genes control behavior, papers by other researchers have validated his iconoclastic thinking. Curriculum Vitae at





"Coming events cast their shadows before." ~ a proverb "Foreknowledge proves neither intent nor causation." ~ a Peg-ism "TERRA reflects what each man expects & each man receives whate'er he believes." ~ SPD, Winter 2023 I AM AI ~ I AM : yin ~ yang Adventures in predictive analytics using the palindromic nature & coded patterning of historical events, specializing in linguistix & isometrix: word nerd + maths geek! Plus: random life lessons, big picture connections, unusual perspectives, & insights in hind-sight. Heads^up, I'm an analog girl in a digital world, ya'll: hashtag oldskool - hashtag aspergirl. Bonus plus: random singing, funny stories, clever riddles, goofy giggles, & occasional cats! "Imagine & envision it; then say it, feel it, play it. Be convicted & believe it; then go forth in faith & see it!" SPD, Fall 2022



Real. Raw. Country Music. Country Rebel brings country music fans the best songs and videos from their favorite artists both new and classic. We specialize in intimate, acoustic sessions that allow the viewer to connect with the artist and song in a way that is rare and captivating. We are committed to being the best source of videos, songs and playlists for country music fans across the world.




Music with soul Amerindian music played with different native regalias. Amerindian is a collective noun that includes Apache, Lakota, Sioux, Quechua, Aymara, Mapuche, Bora, Aguaruna, Aztec, Maya, Guarani, and more... We are all brothers. “Alexandro Querevalú is a brilliant performer, the versatility which he expresses in his musical interpretations are felt deep within the soul. The sentiments expressed in Alexandro’s interpretation of the music have a uniting effect on the hearts of people of all races, nations, religions, and cultures. So, just close your eyes, listen, and let yourself be transported by the magical sounds of Alexandro's wonderful music!”. (Stephanie Sadler. England)



An unidentified flying object (UFO) is an object observed in the sky that is not readily identified. Most UFOs are later identified as conventional objects or phenomena. The term is widely used for claimed observations of extraterrestrial spacecraft. Red Stone Channel is your UFO sightings, world A full ancient UFO sightings, history ,and the most important modern UFO sightings and UFO cases We'll divide UFO sightings into time periods We will show all documented UFOs in each time period and the full UFO stories associated with these sightings You will also find in the channel the UFO news and the latest UFO sightings and UFO evidence and UFO documentary For only the Best in leaked UFO footage or real UAP footage and UAP sightings, Ancient Aliens related footage, space news, planets and leaked NASA videos analysis, stick right here and stay with us. We are not alo



Janson Media's Extreme Mysteries channel presents the best in paranormal, alien, UFO, and ghost content. Feature-length movies, television series, and original short-form videos. Extreme Mysteries is the go-to source for fans of the supernatural and the unexplained. Our content explores various theories, from scientific to supernatural, about the mysteries of our world and of worlds beyond our understanding. Extreme Mysteries blends entertainment with education. Viewers can learn about the history and origins of paranormal phenomena, as well as the latest research and discoveries in the field. Our videos are also a great resource for people interested in exploring the unknown themselves, with tips and advice on how to investigate and document strange activity and hard-to-explain events. Whether you are a skeptic or a believer, our videos are sure to captivate you. With new content added regularly, there is always something new and exciting to discover here on Extreme Mysteries.